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220702 = 07/02/2022
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BSR Therapy:
Ernie Gamble:
12/09/2020: How to Modify the Lunge if You Have a Knee Injury or Pain
08/19/2018: How to Squat without Knee Pain


Free to download: Pilates10.xlsx |


John's fitness story in 2022:

A brief recap of my back history:
I've spent the last 2+ years of getting seriously fit; mostly biking and some running, sometimes 2x per day, and most recently back to weightlifting, especially for leg strength.
This I've done after suffering about 4 yrs ago with knee pain going up and down stairs at work. I found myself about 50 pounds overweight. I then prayed, including not wanting to end up in a wheelchair. I now attribute my knee pain to atrophy (20 years of "couching") plus an atrophy-related injury over a decade ago.
Now, I'm back to my weight and appetite from high school! As long as I stay active, my knee pain is nil to minimal.

-Pacing self
-Heart rate limits = 5 HR zones (H1 TO H5).
-Cadence (rpm) drills, similar to intervals = wind sprints from the old days but on a bike.
-Power meter installed on left crank, and 7 Power Zones (P1 to P7): Endurance vs Tempo vs Threshold vs VO2Max vs Anarobic vs Neuromuscular.
-Hill climbing
-Time Trialing (informal)
-Introduction to Mountain Biking
-Training and more training (riding), to develop cardio and heart and leg strength.
-Physiology of resource depletion in the body: foods, water and electrolytes, oxygen depletion at upper levels of effort.

Nov 2021 = rode my first Tour de Tucson, 62 miles, ~1200 ft climbing, in 3h 48 min = avg 16.3 mph.
Jan-Feb 2022 = prayer, resulted in large cutback of daily indoor biking, in favor of beginning strength training.

Learning, from knowledgable friends and from the Internet:
-Which exercises = various squats, lunges, presses.
I bought extra weight plates for my leg rack (yet rack is harder on the back).
-Proper squat form? To lift without pain, despite pain in my past.
-Knee mechanics / physiology?
More running.

Apr 2022 = rode my first Tour de Mesa (east Phoenix), 42 miles, ~2000 ft climbing, in 2h 44 m = avg 15.4 mph.
I bought a set of adjustable dumbbells for indoors.
More learning and lifting.

Jun 20, 2022 = solo ride from NW Tucson up to Oracle AZ and back = 63 miles, ~2100 ft climbing, in 3h 47m = avg 16.7 mph
(notice: faster than Nov 2021, with nearly twice the climbing).
So, as I may, Im going to keep lifting.
Praise the Lord!!

You may find me on as:
John Conant<><

6/20/22: Oracle TT Biosphere ride, my best 63 miles so far.
In contrast,
11/20/21: Tour de Tucson ride, my first TdT.

This fitness work has been a major focus of mine since May 2020, yep, from smack in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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