230528-Problems-with-Witchcraft.txt Last updated: 7:34 PM 5/28/2023 .1. Introduction: To present why witchcraft as a concept and as a practice is inherently bad, more so a working of evil, and to be avoided. .1.a. Theory: Why such "chasing of power" is inherently evil. -- .2. Definitions: Merriam Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1988. 230528 -1- Divination n 1 : the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usu. by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers. 2 : unusual insight : intuitive perception. -1- Sorcery n 1 : the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits esp. for divining : necromancy 2 : magic -1- Magic n [magos magus, sorcerer, of Iranian origin; akin to OPer magush sorcerer] 1 a : the use of means (as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces. b : magic rites or incantations. 2 a : an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source. b : something that seems to cast a spell : enchantment. 3 : the art of producing illusions by sleight of hand. -2- Magic adj 1 : of or relating to magic. 2 a : having seemingly supernatural qualities or powers. b : giving a feeling of enchantment -3- Magic vt magicked; magicking (1906) : to produce, remove, or influence by magic. -1- Witchcraft n [wicchecraft, fr. OE (Old English) wiccecræft witchcraft, sorcery, fr. wicce + cræft skill, power - more at Craft] 1 a : the use of sorcery or magic. b : communication with the devil or with a familiar (n 3 : a spirit often embodied in an animal and held to attend and serve or guard a person.) 2 : an irresistable influence or fascination : enchantment. -1- Witch n [ME wicche, fr. OE wicca, masc., wizard & wicce, fem., witch, akin to MHG wicken to bewitch, OE wigle divination, OHG wih holy - more at Victim] (bef.12c) 1 : one that is credited with usu. malignant supernatural powers; esp : a woman practicing usu. black witchcraft often with the aid of a devil or familiar : SORCERESS - compare WARLOCK 2 : an ugly old woman : HAG 3 : a charming or alluring girl or woman -2- Witch vt (14c) 1 : to affect injuriously with witchcraft. 2 archaic : to influence or beguile with allure or charm. ~vi : DOWSE. -1- Craft n [ME, strength, skill, fr. OE cræft; akin to OHG kraft strrength] 1 : skill in planning, making, or executing : DEXTERITY. 2 : an occupation or trade requiring manual dexterityor artistic skill < <~s such as pottery, carpentry, and sewing>. 3 : skill in deceiving to gain an end . 4 : the members of a trade or trade association. 5 : pl usu. craft a : a boat esp. of small size. b : AIRCRAFT c : SPACECRAFT syn see ART -1- Crafty adj 1 (dial chiefly Brit : SKILLFUL, CLEVER 2 a : Adept in the use of subtlety and cunning. b : marked by subtlety and guile . syn see SLY. 230611 -1- Chasing / Chase: 1 n 1 a : the hunting of wild animals - used with the b : the act of chasing : PURSUIT c : an earnest or frenzied seeking after something desired 2 : something pursued : QUARRY 3 : a tract of unenclosed land used as a game preserve 4 : a sequence (as in a movie) in which the characters pursue one another -2- vb 1 a : to follow rapidly : PURSUE b : HUNT c : to follow regularly or persistently with the intention of attracting or alluring 2 obs : HARASS 3 : to seek out - often used with down 4 : to cause to depart or flee : DRIVE <~the dog out of the garden> 5 : to cause the removal of (a baseball pitcher) by a batting rally vi 1 : to chase an animal, person, or thing <~after material possessions> 2 : RUSH, HASTEN -3- vt 1 a : to ornament (metal) by indenting with a hammer and tools without a cutting edge b : to make by such indentation c : to set with gems 2 a : GROOVE, INDENT b : to cut (a thread) with a chaser -4- n 1 : GROOVE, FURROW 2 : the bore of a cannon 3 a : TRENCH b : a channel (as in a wall) for something to lie in or pass through -5- n : a rectangular steel or iron frame in which letterpress matter is locked (as for printing) -1- Power: n 1 a : possession of control, authority, or influence over others b : one having such power; specif : a soveriegn state c : a controlling group : ESTABLISHMENT -- often used in the phrase the powers that be d : archaic a force of armed men e chiefly dial : a large number or quantity 2 a (1): ability to act or produce an effect (2): ability to get extra base hits (3): capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect b : legal or official authority, capacity, or right 3 a : a physical might b : mental or moral efficacy c : political control or influence 4pl : an order of angels -- see CELESTIAL HIERARCHY 5 a : the number of times as indicated by an exponent that a number occurs as a factor in a product; also : the product itself b CARDINAL NUMBER 2 6 a : a source or means of supplying energy; esp ELECTRICITY b : MOTIVE POWER c : the time rate at which work is done or energy emitted or transferred 7 : MAGNIFICATION 2b 8 : SCOPE, COMPREHENSIVENESS 9 : the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in a statistical test when a particular alternative hypothesis happens to be true -2- vt 1 : to supply with power and esp. motive power : to give impetus to antonym: -1- powerless adj : 1 devoid of strength or resources 2 : lacking the authority or capacity to act -1- Inherently / Inherent: adj : involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or settled habit : INTRINSIC -- inherently adv -1- Evil: 1 a : morally rephrehensible : SINFUL, WICKED b : arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct 2 a archaic : INFERIOR b : causing discomfort or repulsion : OFFENSIVE c : DISAGREEABLE 3 a : causing harm : PERNICIOUS >the ~ institution of slavery> b : marked by misfortune : UNLUCKY -2- Evil n 1 : something that brings sorrow, distress, or calamity 2 a : the fact of suffering, misfortune, and wrongdoing b : a cosmic evil force -1- Moral / Morally 1 a : of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ETHICAL <~judgments> b : expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior c : conforming to a standard of right behavior d : sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment e : capable of right and wrong action 2 : probable though not proved : VIRTUAL 3 : having the effects of such on the mind, confidence, or will <~ support> synonyms MOREAL, ETHICAL, VIRTUOUS, RIGHTEOUS, NOBLE mean conforming to a standard of what is right and good. MORAL implies conformity to established sanctioned codes or accepted notions of right and wrong; ETHICAL may suggest the involvement of more difficult or subtle questions of rightness, fairness, or equity; VIRTUOUS implies the possession or manifestation of moral excellence in character; RIGHTEOUSNESS stresses guiltlessness or blamelessness and often suggests the sanctimonious; NOBLE implies moral eminence and freedom from anything petty, mean, or dubious in conduct and character. -2- Moral n 1 a : the moral significance or practical lesson (as of a story) b : a passage pointing out usu. in conclusion the lesson to be drawn (out) from a story 2 pl a : moral practices or teachings : modes of conduct b : ethics 3 : MORALE -1- Morale n 1 : moral principles, teachings, or conduct 2 a : the mental and emotional condition (as of enthusiasm, confidence, or loyalty) of an individual or group with regard to the function or tasks at hand b : a sense of common purpose with respect to a group : ESPRIT DE CORPS 3 : the level of individual psychological well-being based on such factors as a sense of purpose and confidence in the future -1- Eminence n 1 : a position of prominence or superiority 2 : something eminent, prominent, or lofty: as a : a person of high rank or attainments -- used as a title for a cardinal b : a natural elevation -1- Eminent adj 1 : standing out so as to be readily perceived or noted : CONSPICUOUS 2 : jutting out : PROJECTING 3 : exhibiting eminence esp. in standing abovve others in some quality or position : PROMINENT -1- Reprehend vt : to voice disapproval of : CENSURE -1- Reprehensible adj : worthy of or deserving reprehension -1- Reprehension n : the act of reprehending -1- Reprehensive adj : serving to reprehend : conveying reprehension or reproof -- .3. Statements or Declarations: Sources = Biblical: 230528 https://biblehub.com/bsb/1_samuel/15.htm verse 23 within verses 7-35 23For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance is like the wickedness of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has rejected you as king.” 230611 A list of divination, per the New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, 1990: Num 22:7 Num 23:23 Deut 18:10 2 Kins 17:17 Ezekiel 13:23 Malachi 3:5 Acts 16:16 Sources = Non-biblical: -- .4. Analysis: -- .5. Implications: -- .6. Synergizing: -- .7. Conclusion: -- .8. Appendix1 - MS Windows keyboard commands of special characters using the "Alt" key + the numeric keypad: alt-0198 Æ alt-0230 æ Appendix2 - Etymology ~"The matter in boldface square brackets preceding the definition is the etymology. Meanings given in roman type within those brackets are not definitions of the entry, but are meaningsof the Middle English, Old English, or non-English words within the brackets. The etymology traces a vocabulary entry as far back as possible in English (as to Old English), tells from what language and in what form it came into English, and (except in the case of such words outside the general vocabulary of English as dacha and zloty traces the pre-English source as far back as possible. These etyma are printed in italics." Appendix3 - ? --